The China-EU Investment Agreement Briefing Cover

The China-EU Investment Agreement

Politically controversial, but weak in content
Merle Groneweg
Herausgeber: Powershift e.V., urgewald, et al.
Jahr: 2021

The investment agreement between China and the EU is highly controversial – and its future uncertain. It is unclear whether and when it will be ratified by the European Parliament. Nevertheless, the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) is worth studying. The public debate often focuses on climate, labor, and human rights aspects. At least as often, however, the EU Commission and other relevant actors act in favor of economic interests. The briefing, published by PowerShift and ten other civil society organizations, takes a nuanced look at CAI as part of EU trade and investment policy. We oppose the ratification of CAI because climate and environmental protection, human rights, labor and social standards remain far too vague in the agreement.